Registration Default Folder is distributed as shareware. You may try it for 30 days, after which we ask that you either delete your copy or register it by sending $25 (US). When you register, you receive free updates, technical support, and a registration code to disable the shareware reminders that begin popping up after 30 days. Registrations are handled by Kagi, a payment processing company. They accept cash, check, VISA, MasterCard, American Express, First Virtual and Money Orders as payment. To register, do one of the following: 1. Create a registration form by running the “Register SCS” application that came with Default Folder. You can do this by clicking the “Register” button in the Default Folder control panel. Addresses for sending your registration via email, mail, and fax are given below, as well as being included on the form. For credit card and First Virtual orders, your number will be encoded so it can be safely transmitted via fax or email. Note that additional help on using the “Register SCS” application is included in the “How to Register” file that accompanies Default Folder. 2. Go to to register with a credit card at Kagi’s secure web site. 3. If you are a CompuServe member and cannot use Kagi, you can register by typing “GO SWREG” and purchasing product #1669. Please note that it may take longer to process your registration via CompuServe than through Kagi. Send registrations to one of the following addresses Email: (Internet) Fax: +1 510-652-6589 Mail: Kagi Shareware 1442-A Walnut Street #392-ST Berkeley, California, 94709-1405 USA Payments sent via email are processed within 3 to 4 days. Payments sent via mail and fax take up to 10 days (plus transit time for mail). If you provide a correct Internet email address you will receive an email acknowledgement. Otherwise, a registration letter will be sent to you via the postal service. There are reduced prices for purchasing multiple copies of Default Folder. These prices are automatically computed by the "Register SCS" application when you fill in the number of copies. For large purchases, the site license option will allow you to use Default Folder at all your organization’s offices within a 100 mile (160 kilometer) radius of each other, while the worldwide license option allows you to use an unlimited number of copies. Again, see the online registration form in Register SCS for pricing of these options. If you would like to submit a purchase order, please do so directly to St. Clair Software at one of the addresses listed in the Technical Support section. Please be honest and pay for shareware that you use. It's the only way we’ll be able to continue to support and improve the product, so your payment does matter! Technical Support The latest news, technical support answers, and product listings can be found on our World Wide Web site at: Please send any comments, bugs, or technical support questions to us directly at: St. Clair Software 1636 E. Garfield Road New Springfield, OH 44443-9701 USA Internet: CompuServe: 72330,3455 America Online: StClairSW FAX: +1 330-549-3495 Default Folder is a copyrighted product, and St. Clair Software retains sole rights to it. It is not to be redistributed for profit or bundled with any other product without written consent. In our attempts to provide the best product possible, we encourage you to send us comments.